Performance Scoring Sheets

Performance Scoring & Feedback Sheets


Three copies of the performance piece and documentation should be provided for the judges. If the performance piece is in a language other than English, entrant should provide a translation and/or brief synopsis.

Dramatic Interpretation

(Memorized performance of a written piece or an original composition with a subject and style common to pre-1650 culture. Ten minutes maximum.)


Dramatic Reading
(Reading of a piece or an original composition with a subject and style common to pre-1650 culture. Ten minutes maximum.)



(Performance of a story or an original story written with a pre-1650 subject and style. Documentation consists of the story with historical facts and commentary about the story. Ten minutes maximum.)

Vocal Performance 

(Performance of a vocal selection or a new composition in pre-1650 style. Ten minutes maximum.)


Instrumental Performance 

(Performance of an instrumental selection or a new composition in pre-1650 style. Ten minutes maximum.)



Performance of Historical Choreography
Performance of Original Choreography


Persona Presentation

(Entrants will be given a 15-minute time slot in which the judges will interact with them and talk to them in persona. This is not a Q&A! Think of this as Historical Improvisation. Entrants are expected to interact with the judges while staying in the persona’s character. Entrants will be judged on overall effectiveness, ability to stay in persona, knowledge of their period, and other criteria. Props are encouraged but not required. Documentation should not be a first person re-telling of the persona story; instead it should set the stage for the time period and persona, with an emphasis on the activities of daily life. Documentation is due to the Entries Steward by the registration deadline. Bring a display copy with you the day of the event.)