Competition Philosophy
The Kingdom Arts and Sciences Office makes every effort to ensure that competitions sponsored by the Kingdom provide feedback from experts in their field.
Caid offers artisans opportunities to share their artwork through competitions and displays. Caid has two premier Arts & Sciences competitions – the Kingdom Arts Fair and Pentathlon and Crescent Artisan. Pentathlon is a long-running competition that occurs every other year. To qualify for Pentathlon, the entrant must enter a minimum of five entries over four different categories. Crescent Artisan is Caid’s newest Arts & Sciences competition and takes place every other year, opposite Pentathlon. Entrants are limited to one entry and are encouraged to bring their “one best thing.” The Crescent Artisan judging process includes a face-to-face Q&A session with the entrant. Since feedback is an integral component for growth and learning, smaller competitions will be offered throughout the year to give artisans an opportunity to receive feedback prior to Pentathlon and Crescent Artisan.
Items entered in Kingdom sponsored Arts & Sciences competitions will be judged against a 100 point period ideal. In order to provide a consistent structure, competitions will use the Competition Category List and href=””>Judging Sheets related to each category. We encourage entrants to view the judging sheets in order to ensure that the entry is placed into the appropriate category. If you need help finding the best category for your entry, please contact the Kingdom A&S Competition Deputy.
Sharing artwork inspires others to create so all Kingdom-level competitions will offer a display-only option. Items included in the Display will not receive scored feedback but will be eligible for People’s Choice voting. The Artisan is encouraged to place a blank book with the entry and invite onlookers to leave comments about the item.
We are always looking for subject matter experts to act as judges in all our Competitions. If you would like to judge, please read over the Judges handbook and sign up below.
Are you new to judging and unsure if you are ready? Let us know, and we can arrange for you to be a Jr. Judge and shadow a team of more experienced judges until you are confident enough to judge on your own.
All Kingdom of Caid sponsored competitions will use the same categories and feedback sheets. Each of the seven categories contains subcategories related to that field. As an entrant, it is a good idea to go through and review the scoring and feedback sheets so that you are aware of what the experts will be looking at. Remember that each item is scored on its own against a period ideal. If you need help finding the best category for your entry, please contact the Competition Steward or Kingdom A&S Competition Deputy.
Click on the category name to view the scoring and feedback sheet.
Revised September, 2018